Hildegard von Bingen: O vis aeternitatis

Описание к видео Hildegard von Bingen: O vis aeternitatis

Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1977)
O vis eternitatis
Responsory for the Creator and Redeemer

Mystic chant by the first known woman composer, German abbess, Sibyl of the Rhine. refers to the power within eternity. “The divinity breathed forth, unchained by any sin”.
Performed by Kristia Michael (voice) and Anita Tomasevich (organ) on the day of Saint Hildegard's death.
September 17th 2022 | St. Mary of Graces (Cyprus)

O power within Eternity
All things you held in order in your heart,
and through your Word were all created
according to your will.
And then your very Word
was clothed within
that form of flesh
from Adam born.

And so his garments
were washed and cleansed
from greatest suffering


Το μυστικιστικό γρηγοριανό άσμα της πρώτης γνωστής γυναίκας συνθέτριας, Γερμανίδας ηγουμένης Hildegard von Bingen, δοξάζει την υπάρχουσα δύναμη της αιωνιότητας.

“Η θειότητα αναπνέει, λυμένη από κάθε αμαρτία”.


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