#7 of 12 “Falik” is “Peleg” from “The Hebrew Challenge”.

Описание к видео #7 of 12 “Falik” is “Peleg” from “The Hebrew Challenge”.

This video was created to examine the African land called, “Falik”, its variations, and ties to the bible. It also shows that the descendants of “Peleg” (“Reu”, “Serug”, “Nahor”, “Terah”, and Abraham) have land named after them in Africa, as well.

The video shows that the people of Africa allotted land to the name of their ancestors, which makes it easy to know who live or once lived there.
The video further gives evidence that the bible is an African narrative.

Mapping Afrika’s True Hebrews is a series of videos that will prove that the people from West Africa and its Diaspora have a direct connection to the Bible. It will prove that most “Black” people in America and elsewhere can never be anti-Semites, because they are descended from “Shem”.

This is the 7th of 12 videos that will support proof and prove that Africa was (and still is) the home of the “Hebrew” people of the bible. Videos 8 of 12 to 12 of 12 will prove without a doubt that West Africa was the land of Cana and of the Hebrew people.


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