01 Church History | Rev. Lee Stoneking | Apostolic Teaching | UPCI | Apostolic Bible Study

Описание к видео 01 Church History | Rev. Lee Stoneking | Apostolic Teaching | UPCI | Apostolic Bible Study

This part 1 of a 3-episode podcast featuring Rev. Lee Stoneking's lessons on Church History marching forward from AD 33 to this present hour, offer a unique and insightful perspective on the rich history of the Christian faith. His motive for presenting this is for everyone's information and the provoking of each person to dig into the records of history where they will find the beauty of biblical truth preserved also.

#ChurchHistory #ApostolicTeaching #LeeStoneking #BibleStudy #ApostolicPreaching #Anointed #Apostolic #AnointedPreaching #UPCI #HolyGhostPower #PowerfulPreaching #LeeStonekingPreaching

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