Does tumor budding really exist? How digital pathology helps answer this: Inti Zlobec, 27/06/24

Описание к видео Does tumor budding really exist? How digital pathology helps answer this: Inti Zlobec, 27/06/24

TIA Centre Seminar Series: Prof Inti Zlobec

Full Title: Does tumor budding really exist? How digital pathology helps to answer this question using 2D and 3D technologies

Abstract: The prognostic impact of tumor budding has now been established. But what do we really know about the nature of tumor buds? And do they even really “exist”? In this talk, we will follow tumor budding on a journey, which parallels the evolution of technologies for “tissue visualisation”, and look at the evidence from common staining approaches, to digital pathology & AI, spatial technologies in and 3D imaging, to help answer these questions.


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