Cities Teach: Democratic, Social & Digital Inclusion + European Capital of Democracy 2026 Sneak Peek

Описание к видео Cities Teach: Democratic, Social & Digital Inclusion + European Capital of Democracy 2026 Sneak Peek

European City Network – Webinars
Cities Teach: Democratic, Social & Digital Inclusion

This webinar was hosted by ECoD with contributions from the City of Linz and the City of Kyiv.

Both these cities strive to involve their citizens at a local level using innovative participation methods. In this way they improve democratic and social inclusion of their citizens. Following these two presentations, the ECoD NPO gives you a sneak peek into the third call for applications to become the next European Capital of Democracy!

Silvia Hackl, Head of Innovation & Participation in the Department for Economy, Innovation, Climate Protection & the EU of the City of Linz
Victoriia Itskovych, Chief Information Officer of the City of Kyiv City

The ECoD City Network fosters participation and gives cities a platform to share successful projects which have a lasting impact on the well-being of citizens and the environment. City representatives come together regularly to share their expertise and best practices in democracy promotion at the municipal level. More information:

The ECoD City Network is co-founded by the European Union.


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