MX Vertical Mouse Review: My Thoughts After 9 Months Of Using It

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Is the MX Vertical worth it? Here is my review of the MX Vertical after 9 months of using the device every single day.

I purchased the MX Vertical back in May 28, 2020. I've been using it every single day since then, and actually came out with an initial review of the device on my channel that I filmed with a potato 4 months of using the device. After 9 months of using the device, I wanted to give a quick update on how the mouse has been performing since then and whether I would still recommend it after 9 months of using it.

Some of the things that that I initially commented regarding the MX Vertical that I really liked were the build quality, the ergonomics, and the gestures, and this still stands today.

The MX Vertical still looks practically as good as new, and I haven't noticed any type of performance issues that have come up over the past 9 months of using the device. The buttons are as clicky as ever, and there are no visible signs of any paint chipping off or the mouse starting to break down.

I know that when I first purchased the MX Vertical, I was really debating between MX Vertical vs MX Master (before I found my old MX Master, that is). The two biggest selling features of the MX Master were the horizontal scroll wheel and the super fast scrolling. I always wondered how i would handle horizontal scrolling/super fast scrolling on the MX Vertical, and whether I would regret buying the MX Vertical because it lacked these two features? Well, suffice to say, I don't regret getting the MX Vertical at all. I actually ended up enabling horizontal scrolling on my MX Vertical by making it such that when I hold down the back button and drag left and right, it scrolls to the left and right. Maybe my line of work just doesn't really do that much horizontal scrolling, but I have not found this annoying or cumbersome, and it totally fills all of the needs that I have with horizontal scrolling. I mean, maybe if you're a video editor who needs to quickly scroll through huge clips then maybe you want the horizontal scroll wheel, but if you're not, really ask yourself when was the last time you needed a lot of horizontal scrolling? I feel like modern web design has essentially done away with horizontal scrolling in most scenarios.

With regards to super fast scrolling, I have found that the MX Vertical scrolls plenty fast enough for me. I mean, maybe I just have a really strong finger, but I can scroll through thousands of lines of code incredibly quickly, and have never found myself thinking to myself, "Wow, I wish I could scroll through this faster." Also, if you REALLY needed to scroll quickly, you could always just click on the scroll bar yourself and drag it down.

So, in short, I love my MX Vertical and I have zero plans to purchase any other mouse in the near future. I am still happy with it 9 months after using it. It's ergonomic and has all of the features that I could ever ask, and I can't recommend it enough.
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