Washing IKEA Knopparp cover with LG Washing Machine F4J8JSP2S

Описание к видео Washing IKEA Knopparp cover with LG Washing Machine F4J8JSP2S

I wish all my viewers and subscribers a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020. This is my last video of 2019. Hope to come out with more interesting, useful, innovative videos in the coming year. Thank you for all the love and support!!

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#LG #Knopparp #Sofa #Washing #IKEA #ThinQ
Hi friends,
I have shown washing of IKEA Knopparp Sofa Cover in LG Washing Machine F4J8JSP2S. I have followed the wash care instructions given in the sofa cover.
I have opted for 40 deg C temp and spin 800 rpm and have added steam option which is available in this washing machine.
I have also shown how we can monitor the washing cycle on our smartphone with LG Smart ThinQ app.
Hope you like this video.
Thanks for watching and all the love ans support.


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