Ultimate Local/State Contracting Guide | 5 Local/State Contracting Secrets

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I’ve worked with dozens of contractors making millions and was awarded the 1st & 2nd contract I bid on! I want to help you get to $1 million!

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Your government contracting, local contracting, corporate contracting business starts NOW! Treat yourself to a six figure business. Follow the steps and become a WINNER - it’s that easy! 🗣

I am Sheena Parker, the creator of GovConNOW Contracting Course. I am your Government Contracting Authority. I teach people how to become 3-tier contractors and maximize your chances of winning Federal Government Contracts, Local Contracts and Corporate Contracts.


*View all my media: https://linktr.ee/sheenaparker
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Video hashtags: #GovernmentContracting #GovCon #ContractBusiness #Business

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