Astral Corde - Hidden Frequencies

Описание к видео Astral Corde - Hidden Frequencies

Scanning horizons, in the night's deep black
Searching for whispers, waiting to react
Beeping lights and a screen, where secrets dwell
In the silent hum, of this electric shell
Signals fading in the distant glow
Silent war in the ether, movements slow
Patterns of the unseen, stories they tell
Navigating shadows in this metallic shell

Listening close
To the coded pulse that breaks the night
Transmissions near and far, in waves they flow
Guided by the radar's electric glow

Every blip a mystery, the truth concealed
Tracing signals in the dark, our fate revealed

Fingers flicker
Over keys that hum with static tones
Mapping echoes in the vast unknown
Data streams, like rivers through the screen
In this silent dance, shadows in between
Eyes fixed steady on the haunting light
Waves of silence

Deciphering the hidden tracks
Moons unseen in the spectral cracks
Through the void, patterns intertwined

In the stillness, the signal calls align
Electric dreamscapes, pulses in line


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