Typology of the Hebrew Wedding - Initiating the Betrothal (Part 1)

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It may startle you to discover the treasures hidden in the wedding rituals of the ancient Hebrews, which God instituted. It is astonishing to recognize that everything that God has said about His marriage to His bride, the Church, was anticipated thousands of years earlier in the institution of these customs. That fact is a profound piece of evidence that the author of the Bible is not bound to the constraints of time as we are. Rather, it is profound proof of His reality, and demonstrates His origin to be from outside of time.

All through the Gospels, Jesus relied on the ancient Jewish wedding pattern for many of His parables (Matthew 22:1-14; 25:1-13), climaxing in His Bridegroom’s promise in the Upper Room in John 14. We will explore these references within this two-part video series in order to recognize the full importance of these allusions. Unfortunately, many of us miss seeing the full depth of meaning by our modern unfamiliarity with the model of ancient Jewish wedding rituals. The Hebrew wedding involved a number of important rituals typologically correlating with the marriage of Christ and the Church. We will investigate seventeen of them in these videos.

Source Article on LetUsReason.com: https://www.letusreason.com/articles/...


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