Deep Relaxation: Meditation Music and Gerard Manley Hopkins Poems (soft spoken poetry, asmr)

Описание к видео Deep Relaxation: Meditation Music and Gerard Manley Hopkins Poems (soft spoken poetry, asmr)

Deep Relaxation/Meditation Music combined with Gerard Manley Hopkins poems read gently aloud. Soft spoken poetry is great for relaxing or for your own creativity and inspiration. Listen with earphones for best effect. Some listeners might experience ASMR. Gerard Manley Hopkins wrote during the late Victorian period and was a Jesuit priest. He is similar to Emily Dickinson in that few of his poems were published during his lifetime. Like Dickinson, his poetry is very unique and can be classified as experimental. Because birds are a major theme in Hopkins' poems, the soundtrack includes gentle bird songs. A list of the poems (in order):
God's Grandeur
The Windhover
Pied Beauty
Spring and Fall
As Kingfishers Catch Fire, Dragonflies Draw Flame
No Worst, There is None. Pitched Past Pitch of Grief
I Wake and Feel the Fell of Dark, Not Day
My Own Heart Let Me Have Pity On
That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire and of the Comfort of the Resurrection

(© Poet Trance. All poems/prose read by Poet Trance accompanied by royalty-free background music)


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