Which Carbon Steel Skillet Should You Buy?

Описание к видео Which Carbon Steel Skillet Should You Buy?

What are the latest De Buyer Carbon Steel prices? https://debuyer-usa.com/collections/c... (affiliate link)
*Top Carbon Steel Skillets*
De Buyer: https://debuyer-usa.com/collections/c...
Matfer Carbon Steel Pans: https://amzn.to/2CdDsp2
Mauviel Carbon Steel: https://amzn.to/2PQieFW
Lodge Carbon Steel: Lodge Skillets: https://amzn.to/3CNtSbL

Uncle Scott's Store: https://www.amazon.com/shop/unclescot...

New to carbon steel? Are you looking for the best carbon steel pan? Shopping for a great Christmas gift for people who love to cook? Uncle Scott's Kitchen provides a list of recommended carbon steel skillets and pans for people who are looking to get started with carbon steel. Cookware from Matfer, De Buyer and Mauviel is highlighted. Which factors are important? What about handles, seasoning carbon steel, size and brands? Find out which pans to put on your holiday shopping list and which would be great gift ideas for cooks.

Uncle Scott’s Twitter:   / uskunclescott  

*If you click on our affiliate links and buy something, you get the same price as going directly to the merchant's website, but allows us to earn a small commission. It doesn't make us rich but it allows us to buy more kitchen products to review and make more videos, and is greatly appreciated!! We currently have affiliate links with Amazon, De Buyer, Thermoworks, Zwilling, Le Creuset, Sur La Table, and others.

Uncle Scott's Website: https://www.unclescottskitchen.com

#carbonsteel #debuyer #matfer #lodge #mauviel #cookingshow #cookware


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