💌 Automate Daily Free App Alerts with Google Sheets + Apps Script

Описание к видео 💌 Automate Daily Free App Alerts with Google Sheets + Apps Script

In this video, we demonstrate how to automate sending daily emails with a curated list of apps gone free from AppAdvice using Google Sheets and Apps Script.

🔑 What You'll Learn:

Scrape free app data using Google Sheets formulas (IMPORTXML)
Format app details for email notifications
Automate sending daily reminders via Apps Script
Save time while catching the best app deals!
📜 Email Format Example:

App Name: Quazzl AI: Language Learning
Price: $99.99 (Lifetime Free for Today!)
Description: Learn a new language at your pace.
App Name: Heroine Anthem Zero
Price: $3.99
Description: Epic fantasy adventure awaits.
...and more!

💻 Code Walkthrough:
Explore the Apps Script provided in this video to learn how to automate workflows with Google Sheets.

🚀 Get started and never miss a free app deal again!

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