HSK 2 Grammar Points - Learn Basic Chinese Grammar (A2) | Learn Mandarin Chinese

Описание к видео HSK 2 Grammar Points - Learn Basic Chinese Grammar (A2) | Learn Mandarin Chinese

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Learn Mandarin Chinese for Beginners (A2) - HSK 2 Grammar Lessons - Basic Chinese Grammar for HSK Level 2
In Chinese lesson, let's review the 15 Grammar Points of HSK 2.
After you watch the lesson, don't forget to take the free quiz to solidify your knowledge at:
1: 关联词(Conjunctions): 因为… 所以…; 虽然…但是…
2: 动态助词(Aspect Particles): 着; 过
3: The Modal Adverb “还”
4: The Adverb “就”
5: Prepositions “从”、“对”、“往”
6: The “的” Phrase
7: Expressions of approximation
8: Complements
9: Reduplication
10: Numeral Classifier “一下”
11: Affirmative-negative questions
12: The Sentence “比”
13: Pivotal Sentence
14: The Rhetorical Question “不是…吗”
15: The Imperative Sentence
Hope this will make it easier for you to pass HSK 2 test and learn Chinese better.
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