RasKitchen Creator Matt Pancer (Migrationology Travel Friends Interview #1) Travel to Jamaica 2020

Описание к видео RasKitchen Creator Matt Pancer (Migrationology Travel Friends Interview #1) Travel to Jamaica 2020

Having had the pleasure of Matt's company during a wonderful trip to Jamaica last year, today we hang out with Matt, talk about life, and share a few favourite memories from Jamaica.

For me personally, Matt is an inspiration due to the sheer amount of interests he has WHILE also holding down his amazing role as creator and editor for (the job he's most "famous" for) - the YouTube channel RasKitchen. For me, one job plus one hobby is all I can ever handle, so Matt's chill demeanour in the middle of such a variety of interests is really so inspiring!

After hanging out with us today, I hope you enjoy a few minutes going to check out Matt's photography, his stories/blogs/posts, content on a ton of different stuff, you'll find links to those and more down below.

On behalf of the both of us, thanks for watching this interview! See you next week for another one in this series. Peace! Be well. Much love!

We talk a bit about Jamaica, learn more about Matt's latest project "Earthly Eats," and share some personal (and hopefully inspiring) info on what OUR ends of maintaining a YouTube channel look like. (I say maintaining, I won't say 'running,' because that word assumes a little more control than it feels like sometimes :) but as always, thanks to YOU, it is a very, very fun and ever-interesting ride! Wouldn't have it ANY other way - both Matt and I whole-heartedly agree!).

Have a great day everyone! Thanks for hanging out with us!

Matt's new channel -    / @mattyp_tv  
Matt on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jabap/?hl=en
Matt's channel with Mokko -    / @raskitchen  
Mark's video hanging out with Matt and Mokko -    • Jamaica Street Food 🇯🇲+ Market Tour w...  
and finally (why not :) ??)
a Link to the Guinness Soursop Milkshake Energy Drink we were talking about :)    • Rasta Mokko's Energy Drink...Guinness...  

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