Worth WATCHING despite being EXTREMELY dramatic?! (Bel-Air - Season 1 Review - 2022)

Описание к видео Worth WATCHING despite being EXTREMELY dramatic?! (Bel-Air - Season 1 Review - 2022)

Season two starts today on Peacock just in time for you to watch my spoiler-free season one review of Bel-Air! I hope you find this review fun and informative to provide better insight if this is a series worth checking out or giving a pass. We all love the original comedy sitcom the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and although this new series is a very serious drama, there are still some interesting takeaways.

Did you find season one entertaining or emotionally draining? Did my review help you decide to give this new spinoff a chance?

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#BelAir #FreshPrinceOfBelAir #TVSeries #Peacock #SpoilerFree #TV #WillSmith #Drama #Review #InfiniteMediaPlay

0:00 Review
6:07 Top 10 Character List
9:32 Rating


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