Tuna canned machinery/ Solids filling Machine / canned sealing machine/tuna canned seaming machine

Описание к видео Tuna canned machinery/ Solids filling Machine / canned sealing machine/tuna canned seaming machine

Tuna filling machinery Solids filling Machine / Filler Machine/ Fish Fake filling Machine/ Overfilling is minimized – over filling has a direct impact on your bottom line. deepora fillers are the most accurate in the industry. Weight can be maintained within ±2% of target.
Product yield is maximized – uniform density is key to maximizing your product yield – and likewise your profits. Precise adjustment to air pressure control enables you to customize the filling density to the type of product you are packing or other process parameters.
Food appearance is enhanced – appearance is a key factor in consumer preference. To ensure an attractive presentation, deepora fillers form your product into the required size and shape before transferring it to the container. deepora fillers are fast – deepora fillers are designed to fill 90 to 120 cans per minute. Faster filling means you are able to maximize plant capacity with fewer machines or install more machines and produce more salable product. Either way, your bottom line benefits.
Container flexibility – when you order a deepora filler, it is built to your container and fill weight requirements. Consequently, when your market or products change, you can easily change too. Machine parts to accommodate other container sizes are just a phone call away.
Reliability – our fillers are built to operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with minimal downtime. Severe operating and environmental conditions, including very high temperatures and humidity, are not a problem. Fully mechanical in construction, our fillers contain few electronic components.
Sanitation –deepora fillers are constructed of food-grade-approved materials.
Service/leasing –deepora fillers are leased, which lowers your upfront costs and improves your cash flow. Plus, you become a partner instead of simply a customer. So, we share your commitment in keeping the machines well maintained and running smoothly. To accomplish this objective, we supervise installation and start-up, including multilingual operator training (along with manuals and videos); we also provide annual inspections and Applications – there are a series of models available for specific applications to ensure that the accuracy, speed, production rate and end product integrity are maintained.
Model DPFL – this filler is designed to fill chunk-style tuna, tuna salads and certain pet foods.
Model DPFL – this Deeporafiller is designed for meat, poultry and pet food products in which product appearance is critical to consumer approval.
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Web: www.deepora.com/en


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