Letrozole Side Effects if Pregnant! - What will Happen

Описание к видео Letrozole Side Effects if Pregnant! - What will Happen

Video explains what will happen if you took Letrozole while pregnant! So don't forget to take a pregnancy test! Also, what is better, Clomid or Letrozole? And when does period start after taking Norethindrone?All these questions are answered in this video.

Taking Letrozole for fertility can boost chances of getting pregnant but has a fatal side effect. What ever you do, do NOT make this mistake if you hope for a successful pregnancy.

Women struggling with infertility and have been trying to get pregnant for a year doctor's will probably prescribe either 2 fertility help medicines: Clomid or Letrozole. These medicines are used to mature eggs for ovulation and taken during menstrual cycle day 3 to 7. These medicines will help you get ovulate multiple, mature eggs to enhance chances of getting pregnant. BUT there is a fatal side effect if you are pregnant. I made a scary mistake when starting letrozole. Taking Letrozole while pregnant can cause birth defects and fatality. Read here: https://www.drugs.com/pregnancy/letro...

Letrozole is mostly given to women who have ovarian cysts or PCOS. Clomid can cause cysts and if you have cysts on ovaries, you might not ovulate, even if you bleed each month.

I forgot to do one major thing before taking Letrozole because I was distracted by my period starting so late after taking Norethindrone. How long does it take to start period after taking Norethindrone? Mine started 27 days later.

Have any questions? Feel free to ask below.

*** Disclaimer - I am not a medical professional. I am just a woman going through infertility and have asked my fertility specialist a LOT of questions :)

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