Expo 2021_Atmospheric Water Generator(ATC/Products Introduction)

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*Product Introduction :

Atmospheric Water Generator is the drinkable water maker which doesn't need any out source such as tap water, ground water, bottled water. It create water from the vapor in the air we breath eveyday.
No need to do anything but plug it into electricity like TV at home. Then, you can get clean, pure and healthy water on demand.
About 20 liters of water is created daily. It's good enough for home and office use.
More than 1,000 liters / daily model is available now.
Atmospheric water generator provide drinkable water on demand where no source of water like tap water, underground water, bottle water, etc.
Small and Large scale Atmospheric water generator can provide...

1. Drinkable water to home.
2. Drinkable water to office and store.
3. Drinkable water to School, Hospital and public places
4. Water dispenser and drinkable water to common facilities
5. Drinkable water and living water to hotel and other accommodation.
6. Drinkable water and living water to residential or office building.
7. Drinkable water and living water to special purpose utility device.
8. solution to bottled water manufacturing plant or device.

*Company Introduction :

ATC Co., Ltd. Is the manufacturer of Atmospheric Water Generator which create water from the air. With accumulated experiences and technologies during more than 20 years of developing and manufacturing air cleaner air conditioner, water purifier and other air and water related products, we become a leading company of most develped drinking water solution, Atmospheric Water Generator. After our first commercial AWG model KA4000, we have developed and upgraded AWG technologies continuously. Please visit our webstie and enjoy the highest technology of AWG and drinkable water solution.

#GG #watergenerator #waterpurifier #watermaker


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