Alien Isolation Movie - ALL CUTSCENES (HD 1080p 60fps)

Описание к видео Alien Isolation Movie - ALL CUTSCENES (HD 1080p 60fps)

This is THE MOST cinematic Alien Isolation movie on youtube, spliced in with the entire ALIEN 3 SOUNDTRACK, smooth cuts and camera pans, with NO HUD elements, and even includes some actual footage from the ORIGINAL Alien movie. Hell, I basically edited the ENTIRE Alien movie into the credits lol for anyone who just wants to know the background story of Amanda Ripley's mom without having to actually rent the movie.

For those who don't know, Alien Isolation is a video game that was deeeeply inspired by the aesthetics of the FIRST Alien movie. It is the ONE and ONLY Alien Game ever made that actually stayed completely true to the original film. It is SO true to the original film that it could easily be considered canon and fits perfectly well within the story line of the actual Alien films. The game focus's around Amanda Ripley, the daughter of Ellen Ripley, searching for her long lost mother who has been missing for over 15 years. It takes place over a decade after the first movie and nostalgically brings back the horror and atmosphere of the original film.

0:40 - Opening Credits
2:00 - "You're still looking for her..."
4:10 - The Crew
8:03 - Sevastopol Station
12:00 - Ghost Ship
18:10 - Survivors
24:36 - The Xenomorph
28:24 - The Flight Recorder
29:30 - The Second Encounter
31:35 - The Working Joes
34:19 - The Third Encounter
36:44 - Reuniting
39:40 - Seegson Medical
46:26 - Dr. Lingard
51:37 - The Marshalls
53:56 - Marlo's Flashback on LV426
1:00:16 - The Plan
1:03:30 - The Trap
1:09:18 - The Androids
1:16:40 - Samuel's and the Uplink
1:20:40 - Apollo
1:23:54 - The Nest
1:29:56 - The Purge
1:34:48 - Contacting Verlaine
1:38:44 - Ellen Ripley's Recording
1:40:45 - Power Overload
1:43:30 - Close Call
1:47:00 - Escape
1:49:30 - Final Confrontation
1:53:45 - Credits

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   • Alien: Isolation - Gameplay - Part 1 ...  
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