Orchestration 103: Flutes and Oboes - 3. Flute: Character and Technical Range

Описание к видео Orchestration 103: Flutes and Oboes - 3. Flute: Character and Technical Range

Additional videos for this title: http://j.mp/2BMbvoD
Orchestration 103: Flutes and Oboes by Thomas Goss
Video 3 of 16 for Orchestration 103: Flutes and Oboes

Click here to see to see the continuation of Video 15: Bass Oboe.

The flutes and oboes are two essential members of the wind section. This course covers both families in detail, including their range, register, strength, and the role each instrument plays within the orchestra.

The course begins with a thorough examination of the the flute and its family members, the piccolo, alto flute and bass flute. Thomas moves on with the oboe, English horn, and two less common instruments (oboe damore and bass oboe). With over 100 musical examples (from Ravel, Rimsky-Korsakov, Tchaikovsky, etc.) played by professional orchestral musicians, Thomas shares his wealth of knowledge and gives many orchestration tips along the way.

Included with the course is Thomas custom PDF guide, Studying Wind Orchestration which you can download via the Resource file link on the courses product page.

So join trainer and composer Thomas on this new Orchestration course, and get inspired to compose, arrange and orchestrate for the flutes and oboes!
More info on this title: http://j.mp/2BMbvoD


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