The Acolyte has a BIG Problem! Acolyte Theory

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Ok, so the acolyte trailer dropped not too long ago and already there are a few people who are up in arms thinking that this show is going to break star wars continuity. And it has everything to do with this one scene… (scene). Now if your not familiar with why this might potentially be lore breaking it has everything to do with Ki Adi Mundi said in the phantom menace, which is this idea that the jedi haven’t see a sith for a millennium (scene). And so given that the acolyte takes place roughly a 100 years before the events of the phantom menace, having the jedi encounter a sith would technically violate what Ki Adi Mundi said. Not to mention Darth Maul was technically the first official sith that the jedi would become aware of, so that continuity has to be maintained as well.

But if you ask me, calling the acolyte lore breaking on this basis is a little bit premature and its definitely jumping to conclusions. Now some fans have pointed out the idea that this might not even be a sith but instead a dark side user or acolyte who doesn’t identify as a sith. Which would still technically be in line with what ki adi mundi said in the phantom menace. Not to mention, there is precedent for this in the high republic which has featured a jedi falling to the dark side by the name of Azlin Rell. Following the jedi Knight Rell’s encounter with the nameless or the Shrii Ka Rai, which are essentially these force eating monsters that were weaponized against the jedi during the high republic era, Rell effectively went mad. Causing him to essentially abandon the jedi order and embracing the dark side in order to study the Shrii Ka Rai. Which effectively allowed him to live well over a century although succumbing to madness. And we have seen dark jedi or dark side users wielding red lightsabers without being considered as a sith. Asajj Ventress for example would not have been considered as a sith, as the sith operated under the rule of 2 it just wouldn’t have been possible since Dooku and Palpatine were still around. Not to mention, she was never officiated with a title anyways which kinda makes her a bit more of an acolyte or assassin of sorts. And this could very well be the same thing that the acolyte show is playing with as a wielder of a red lightsaber doesn’t have to be a sith. If this is indeed the case then it would certainly not ruin any continuity issue. For all we know, the character here might be just Mae who we’ve seen throughout the entire trailer fighting against jedi.

But while this might be the case, I actually don’t think that this person is just a dark jedi. I genuinely think that this is a sith. And the first reason is simply that whoever this is, is simply way too powerful to just be another dark jedi. Keep in mind that this one individual essentially force pushed an entire group of jedi including knights and masters. So its pretty clear that whoever this is is way stronger than any mere dark jedi. Which is also why I don’t think this dark side user is Mae, as we have seen Mae fight against the other jedi before and for the most part Master Sol and Indara hold her off pretty well. So this villain in question will have to be leagues above Mae, possibly being this character that we see in the distance. Not to mention the show is about the rise of the sith, we already know that that is the intention of the show. So it would be a little pointless to have the big bad reveal to simply be another dark jedi instead of a more serious threat like a sith. Not to mention, the reaction from the jedi in the trailer kinda says it all. Now if we assume that this is indeed a sith, then will it break continuity. Well the short answer is it really depends on how the show handles this encounter. The show could very well pull a rogue one with all the characters dying by the end of the story. Essentially wrapping up the storyline without having to deal with any continuity issue from characters knowing way to much. And there are signs from the trailer that this is indeed the case. For one, the vast majority of the scenes with the potential sith lord appearing all seem to take place on this forest planet. The same forest planet that we see multiple times throughout the trailer. And if you pay close attention, you’ll notice that in the final shot, a few jedi are actually missing. Such as Kalnacca the wookie jedi, Master Indara and so on. And what this might suggest is that the group of jedi while investigating the murders end up getting stranded on the planet by the sith and end up getting picked off one by one...


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