St. Mary's Church, North Petherton & Bridgewater, Somerset Nov. 2024 No. 387

Описание к видео St. Mary's Church, North Petherton & Bridgewater, Somerset Nov. 2024 No. 387

After leaving our parkup, we take the short walk to St. Mary's Church in North Petherton, Somerset. Here, we look for King Alfred's Jewel. Do we find it?
After leaving there, we drive to Bridgewater, where we find the church there, closed. The Blake's Museum was open BUT unfortunately we weren't allowed to film or take photos!!!!
We later drive home via Trago Mills to fill up with LPG!

#kingalfredjewel #kingalfredthegreat #bridgewater #stmaryschurch #northpetherton #hunkypunks #church #gunpowderplot #spiritofcarnival #admiralrobertblake #gasbankrefillablebottles #lpg #refillablegas


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