HNY Local Maternity and Neonatal System Pregnancy and Birth Personal Care Plans: staff animation

Описание к видео HNY Local Maternity and Neonatal System Pregnancy and Birth Personal Care Plans: staff animation

Central to Better Births is the principle that maternity care should be personalised and safe. Care should be centred on the woman, her baby and her family; based around her needs and decisions, where there has been genuine choice informed by unbiased information. This is essential to ensuring that women receive the best care possible.

A pregnancy and birth personal care plan has been co-designed by women, birthing people and health professionals to record thoughts, feelings and choices for pregnancy, birth and early parenthood.

Decisions regarding choices and care should be made in partnership with the maternity team.

The Personal Care Plan is available as a paper copy to print or alternatively can be downloaded as a writable document –


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