Libra Psychic Tarot Reading for February 2023 by Pam Georgel

Описание к видео Libra Psychic Tarot Reading for February 2023 by Pam Georgel

To purchase my Psychic Crystal Readings for Each Zodiac Sign for February 2023:

To purchase my Big Love Readings for Singles and Couples for 2023:

To purchase my Psychic Crystal Readings for January 2023:

To purchase my Psychic Crystal Readings for the New Year of 2023

To purchase my New Year 2023 Psychic Tarot Readings:

To purchase my Eclipse Effects in Taurus November 8th 2022:

To purchase my Eclipse Effects in Scorpio October 25th 2022 for Each Zodiac Sign:

To purchase my Horseshoe Tarot Spread Psychic Tarot Readings for (2022-2023):

To purchase my Saturn in Aquarius Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings:

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Places by Atch   / atch-music  

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Music promoted by Audio Library    • Places – Atch (No Copyright Music)  

Hi and Welcome to my channel. My name is Pam and I'm a clairaudient, clairvoyant, empathic channel and Psychic Medium. I have over 19 years of experience doing psychic readings professionally for clients all over the world. Please also follow me on FB: The Lucky Mermaid LLC and twitter:@theluckymermaid and my website:

Edited by Daniel Georgel
Intro filmed and edited by Nicholas Georgel

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By watching videos on this channel: Pamela Georgel, - The Lucky Mermaid LLC, you are agreeing and understand Pam is not a Medical Expert or Attorney and can not give Legal advice or Medical diagnosis. Pamela Georgel and The Lucky Mermaid LLC, will not be held responsible for any action or decisions you make pertaining to your life using your free will. These videos should not be used in place of any professional, medical, financial, or legal counseling. Pamela Georgel and The Lucky mermaid LLC, is not responsible for any decisions you make as a result of watching these videos. Your viewing of videos on this channel are subject to your own personal interpretation. Thank You, Pam Georgel ~ The Lucky Mermaid LLC

*Copyright: This Video is protected under copyright laws and violators will be prosecuted. No redistribution of this content is authorized on any other YouTube content creator's channel or any other platforms at any time without express legal consent or permission from Pamela Georgel - The Lucky Mermaid LLC


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