UNHINGED WOKE Women have stopped Dating Men | Why the 4B movement will FAIL in the US

Описание к видео UNHINGED WOKE Women have stopped Dating Men | Why the 4B movement will FAIL in the US

The unhinged woke women are no longer dating men, shaving their heads and adopting the 4B movement, to punish all men for voting incorrectly. Even though almost half of all women voted the same way.
The only problem is that in modern dating, conservative men have no interest in liberal or left wing women. So the only men affected by this movement, are liberal men that voted exactly the way those woke women want. Making this whole movement completely useless.

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Liberal women joining the 4B movement and opting out of dating men or sleeping with men, shows that these women only view their power, through their ability to manipulate men using bedroom fun. This is a very weak position to take, since it reduces women to a very basic biological function, completely undermining the liberal message that women are far more than that.

Video Structure:
00:00 Intro
01:57 The 4B movement keeps failing
02:52 Lacking Self-Awareness
03:49 Propaganda of Losing Rights
05:24 Misunderstanding the 4B movement
09:01 South Korea is Unique
12:09 Delusional Retoric
13:53 Women LOVE male attention

The majority of women in the West, will never go along with this 4B movement, since they love male attention & validation way too much and many of them also simply agree with the policies that those men voted for.
So it's not an issue of men vs women, but an issue of policies vs policies and so men and women will simply be on the same side on that, against the 4B movement.

New York 2022/2023


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