Chavonne singing to her son. R.I.P. Landon J. Maltbia-Young

Описание к видео Chavonne singing to her son. R.I.P. Landon J. Maltbia-Young

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Hello my name is Wymann Simpson. This is my mother singing "Order My Steps" at my little brother's Funeral. I know it seems like I was zoned out the whole time. But truthfully it was because I was. At around 3:24 I was in amazement to see so many people. The whole church was packed wall to wall. My little brother touched so many people and I never knew until that day.

After the passing of Chavonne L. Young's son Landon J. Maltbia-Young he made a few final request in a letter he left her before his departure from this world to his new home. He asked his mother to sing one of his favorite songs that all of her sons like to hear her sing on Sunday, "Order My Steps". Be mindful that she has the strength of an Angel. I say this because in this video Landon J. Maltbia-Young is laying right in front of her as she sang her final song to him during his funeral. Please pass this along.


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