10 Golden Rules when teaching with Zoom

Описание к видео 10 Golden Rules when teaching with Zoom

This video goes through 10 of the most common questions I'm asked about zoom. I train teachers in using zoom all over the world and many of my zoom videos have been played hundreds of thousands of times. if you watch this video it's going to save you lots of time.

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0:00 Zoom 10 Important Rules-Introduction
00:56 Work with Zoom In Maximised Mode
01:49 Jump out of Zoom to do something else
03:01 Zoom - Sending messages
03:57 Zoom - Update students names
04:42 Zoom - Share Computer Sound when you screen share
05:25 Zoom - Understand how Zoom Screen shares
09:11 Zoom - Moving between applications when screen sharing
13:00 Zoom - Create Breakout Rooms
16:53 Zoom -Thanks for watching

Zoom is a great tool and I find it to be very useful when trying to teach a live session online with my students. however there are a few quirky things about working with zoom. Amongst the biggest problems that teachers have when working with zoom is how to screen share and to make sure that what you are sharing is what your participants are seeing. Another typical problem that students and teachers have is how to minimise zoom so that you can access other content that you want to screen share or share in the breakout rooms. Here is a quick summary of the key points that this zoom video focuses on.

How to minimise zoom
How to use breakout rooms
Why does the screen share keep changing?
Why has the zoom window disappeared?
How can I share content with my students in the breakout rooms?
Why can't my students hear when I'm playing a video?
Why does the chat window open in the middle of the screen?
Why does the participants list open in the middle of the screen?
How can the participants update their names?
How can I send a message to students when they're in breakout rooms?
How can I move people in breakout rooms to different rooms?

I have tried in this video to focus on the most common questions that I'm asked through the messages and comment section of my YouTube channel. one of the most common questions is about breakout rooms. teachers need to understand that when students are working in breakout rooms they are in completely separate rooms to the main zoom room. Therefore it is not possible for you to screen share something with your students when they are in separate rooms. You need to think carefully about what you want the students to work on in the breakout rooms and make sure that you have shared this with the students before they move into the breakout rooms. You also need to train your students to use the breakout rooms in other words they need to understand how to screen share. this is important so that it means that when the students are in the breakout rooms at least one member of the group knows how to share the contents to the rest of the group.

teachers also get very confused about working with the screen share option. You must understand that when you're working in zoom, the screen share fixes on the actual application that you are currently sharing. So if you jump from one application to another application the zoom screen share will not work. zoom does not share your screen zoom shares the application. so remember your students will see everything that you see when you are still screen sharing the same application but if you change to a different application you need to click on new share.

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