My First Hallucination - Bipolar 1 with Psychotic Features

Описание к видео My First Hallucination - Bipolar 1 with Psychotic Features

So this is the story of my first hallucination. WTF... WTF!!!
(Hallucinations are a normal symptom of a bipolar type 1 diagnosis)

I was told that I have mania with psychotic features as well as depression with psychotic features. Other than the delusions I infrequently have, which I can write off as bad paranoia and confusion, I really didn't believe it and just skipped over it. Then this... WTF

Psychotic symptoms... not the best.

I've never had a hallucination before, but I have been experiencing worsen symptoms every year for over 15 years before I was given my diagnosis.

In case you're wondering, it was a tactile hallucination which is similar to when you "feel" your cell phone buzzing in your pocket when it wasn't, but amped up. I told the doc but forgot to ask what the eyes closed thing is called and the zoom out effect.


I am Phils Bipolar Disorder (Fight Club ref) and I was recently diagnosed. This is my bipolar story.

I was diagnosed with Bipolar 1 with mixed features and rapid cycling and OCD a few months ago after over a decade of having symptoms.

If you don't know me personally, feel free to share with people you think might want to see this.

I was sent to the psychiatric hospital where I was diagnosed and during my time at the mental hospital, I didn't really believe the diagnosis and thought that I was just needed to work on my depression but eventually I realized that I was indeed manic and that's when I really started paying attention to my bipolar disorder.

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[email protected]


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