There is only one God. He always has been and always will be. He is the Creator of all things. God also made the first man Adam, and the first woman Eve.
But one day they rebelled against God, and their hearts became wicked. We are all descendents of Adam and Eve.
Like them, we have turned away from God. We tell lies, steal, fight, our hearts are full of greed, pride and jealousy. There is no one among us who is righteous, not a single one. After death, we must face God’s judgment and the punishment of hell for our sins.
But God still loved us. He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ to save us from our sins and the terrible punishment of hell. Jesus was born about 2,000 years ago in Israel.
When Jesus was thirty years old, he went out to tell everybody about heaven. He said, “Repent of your sins and believe the good news!”
Jesus could heal the sick. The blind, the deaf, the lepers, the lame and many others.
But the rulers hated Jesus. They arrested Jesus and took him to the court.
The soldiers beat and whipped Jesus, and then led him outside the city to a hill.
There they nailed him to a cross between two robbers. As Jesus was dying he prayed, “Father, forgive them, because they don’t realize what they are doing.” Jesus shed his blood and died on the cross to cleanse our wicked hearts. He loved us so much.
After Jesus died, they laid his body in a tomb.
But on the third day, he was raised to life.
After Jesus rose from the dead, he stayed on earth for forty days.
After forty days, Jesus took his disciples up on a mountain and commanded them, “Go into all the world and tell everyone about me. Whoever believes in me will be saved and go to heaven. But those who do not believe will be judged and sent to hell.”
After that Jesus was taken up into heaven in a cloud.
Jesus is alive and in heaven today, but he has promised that he will soon come again. On that great and terrible day, we will all stand before the judgment throne of Jesus. This will be the end of the world!
Jesus, the only Son of God, said this, “The path to heaven is narrow and difficult, and only a few people are on this path. But the path to hell is wide and easy, and many people are on this wide path to hell.”
How terrible it will be for all those who have refused to believe in Jesus! As punishment for their sins, they will be thrown into the lake of fire forever and ever.
But how wonderful it will be for all those who believed in Jesus, whose sins are forgiven, for they will live with God forever in heaven. There will be no more sickness, suffering, crying or death. Only joy and happiness forever and ever!
Please believe in Jesus so that you too may have eternal life and enter into heaven.
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