Building a Solar Charged Polywire Paddock for Rotational Grazing

Описание к видео Building a Solar Charged Polywire Paddock for Rotational Grazing

Paul Luna, Noble ranch/facility assistant, details how to set up a solar-charged
polywire paddock and shares a few tips and tricks he’s learned along the way. Building temporary paddocks is the main driver in AMP grazing.

Some things to consider before building your paddock:
1. Before installing a large paddock,
train your cattle on the polywire
line by setting up a small electric
fence near a watering trough.
Remember, polywire is only a
psychological barrier.

2. Look at the grade of the area
where you are going to build your
paddock. Grade will determine
the kind and number of posts
you use.

3. In some cases, you may need to
add a second polywire line below
the main one, especially where
stockers will rest and in low-lying
areas where cattle could travel
under a single line.
4. Weight of stockers, number
of head, stocking density and
forage availability are the main
determining factors when
deciding the size of the paddock.


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