What a Strange boxes on the T-34?

Описание к видео What a Strange boxes on the T-34?

📝 The issue of transporting infantry on the battlefield with the help of special vehicles in the Red Army was given attention back in the 30s. At the same time, each time it turned out not exactly what the troops needed. It turned out to be too bulky and inconvenient, for this reason, the case for armored personnel carriers did not advance further than experimental developments.
By the end of 1942, the T-34 and KV received handrails that facilitated the landing of troops. The result was that the Red Army met the Great Patriotic War without having armored personnel carriers as a class.

Enjoy watching!

🎵 Music: Scott Buckley – https://www.scottbuckley.com.au/

#easternfront #ww2


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