In this video, we take a look at some FAKE NGC Slabs being sold on eBay. Something every collector needs to be aware of, and watch out for!

👉You send us high-resolution photographs with your specific questions so our panel of coin experts may examine the coin and give you their opinion or answer to your question.

Join the ANA our National Coin Club! There's never been a better time to join the American Numismatic Association (ANA) — the coin collector's edge.: https://info.money.org/join

Consider joining CONECA (pronounced: CŌ´NECA) a national numismatic organization devoted to the education of error and variety coin collectors.: https://conecaonline.org/

Check out GreatCollections offers thousands of PCGS and NGC certified coins and PCGS and PMG certified currency each week in auction. Sell your coins and currency through GreatCollections.

Typically we do not provide grading opinions, mainly because you can do that in your own research. Checkout PCGS Photograde:

Typically we do not give values, but can provide ball park estimates. Once you determine a grade you can check price, check out NumisMedia:

We get excited about you finding real varieties and errors no matter how small or big!

We do not review collections, and we will not click links in email to external websites and photo galleries.

Be kind and limit your emails to 1-2 per week. If you need to post more, please use the facebook group.

Send your in-focus pictures and questions to:
[email protected]

Be sure to check the damage gallery, we challenge you to learn what damage looks like. There are millions of ways people can damage coins, we couldn't possibly know what the exact cause is on every coin submitted, that's not what we are here for, but we can review the evidence and give our opinion on whether it is a variety, a real mint error, or where you
can find more information about the coin.
Emails with blurry images or no question will be rejected.
By sending the Live Coin Q & A panel your images and questions, you are agreeing to allow the panel to show and discuss the images live on YouTube and use the images on the website.

You can also find us on Facebook, Search for Coin Q & A
  / 35570.  .

Please also check out these panelist's YouTube Channels:
Paula Bluhm:    / paulabluhm  
BlueRidgeSilverhound Youtube:    / blueridgesilverhound  
Christopher Rhodes blog: https://adventuresincrh.blogspot.com/
Coin & Card Hobbyist YouTube:    / Канал  
Mantic Coins Youtube:    / @manticcoins8940  
Cmuss Omaha ebay: https://www.ebay.com/sch/carlomaha/m....
Coins & Ghouls (aka Adam Chambers) Youtube link:    / @coinsghouls2499  
Coin Dragon:    / @coindragon  
Shannon Smith:    / @shannonsmith8914  

We cared deeply for our friend and mentor Ken Peavey and cherish all we learned from him.
He loved this hobby, help keep his memory alive by teaching others about coins.

Be sure the check out Ken Peavey's Playlists, especially his Coin Classes:
Panel in Memoriam: RIP Ken – We miss you, Professor
Ken Peavey:    / kpeavey2  
Ken’s Coin Class Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

Helpful Links to Sites Run By Our Panelists:
Ken Peavey Million Penny Project: https://1millionpenniesproject.blogsp...
Adventures in Coin Roll Hunting: http://adventuresincrh.blogspot.com/

Sites that we discuss and use on Q&A:
US Coin Variety Specialists:
Copper Coins (Chuck Daughtrey): http://www.coppercoins.com/
Brian Ribar: Nickel Doubled Die Varieties: https://www2.briansvarietycoins.com/l...
Wexler's: http://doubleddie.com/
Variety Vista: http://www.varietyvista.com/
NGC Variety Plus: https://www.ngccoin.com/variety-plus/...
Error Coins Error-Ref: http://www.error-ref.com/

General Research for U.S. and World Coin Values
NumisMedia http://numismedia.com/rarecoinprices/...
Numista: https://en.numista.com/
NGC World Coin: https://www.ngccoin.com/price-guide/w...


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