Xeon E5-2699A V4 Benchmark Tests ( CPUZ, Cinebench R23, Passmark )

Описание к видео Xeon E5-2699A V4 Benchmark Tests ( CPUZ, Cinebench R23, Passmark )

System Specs:
Atermiter AS9 X99 motherboard
Xeon E5-2699A V4
HP RTX 3060 12GB (slight undervolt)
64GB DDR4 (quad channel) Ram

Just putting this here so as that it can be found later but if anyone buys one of those cheap Atermiter AS9 boards ($50) you can flash the Huananzhi X99 QD4 modified bios to it to get 100mhz BCLK, SMART Fan function and unlocked ram timings.


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