SanJian Studio PLJ-6LED-A LED Frequency Counter/Cymometer Demo and Instructions

Описание к видео SanJian Studio PLJ-6LED-A LED Frequency Counter/Cymometer Demo and Instructions


This is a brief overview and demonstration video of how to operate the SanJian Studio LED Frequency Counter; commonly being sold on eBay by name names. This is the 65Mhz model PLJ-6LED-A2. This unit did not come with instructions, so here you are:

Function Buttons:

Bottom/Triangle: Switch between 10/100hz in live mode; change option settings.
Top/Back-up: Enter menu/option mode, advance menu, advance digits in IF setting.

To switch between 10/100 hz mode: While the counter is in operation; simply press the bottom button.

Note: When measuring frequencies of 10MHz or higher; only 100hz mode will show the complete frequency read-out. However, the unit will still sample frequencies over 10mhz with 10hz of accuracy, you will just be missing the first digit.

Brightness: The brightness is computer controlled; and is the third menu option. Press the top/backup button until you see a number between 01 and 08. Press the bottom button to cycle through the brightness.

IF Settings: This unit has the ability to use a programmed IF offset; and will maintain it's programming through power cycles. To program the offset; press the menu button once; your display will show all 0s (or an offset if one exists); and flash the first digit. You *MUST cycle this first digit back around to 0 (unless you want a 10mhz+ offset) in order to access the additional digits; you increase the digit by pressing the bottom button. Pressing the top button will cycle you to the next digit. You exit the programming mode by cycling through the digits; the unit will return to counter mode. Press the menu button twice to program whether the IF offset is below (n IF) or above (u IF) the counter input.

That's it. That is all there is to operating this counter. IF settings are maintained across power settings and must be changed/cleared by hand each time.

The overall dimensions of the unit are 3.5""x1"x1" (h.w.d); and the 65mhz version can be found on ebay for around $12.


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