KV Dialogue - 13 -Re|Bamboo as Carbon Sync & Carbon Neutral for HumanHabitation|Prof Koka|Dr.Basaiah

Описание к видео KV Dialogue - 13 -Re|Bamboo as Carbon Sync & Carbon Neutral for HumanHabitation|Prof Koka|Dr.Basaiah

Greetings from KV Dialogue!
Recorded Session of KV Dialogue - 13 .
KV Dialogue - 13 session held on this Friday, March 22, 2024, at 06:30 PM IST. This session topic is " Bamboo as Carbon Sync and Carbon Neutral for Human Habitation."
Our esteemed panel speaker for this session is Bamboo, with its remarkable growth rate and carbon sequestration capabilities, presents an unparalleled opportunity as a carbon sync. Unlike traditional timber, bamboo matures rapidly, sometimes growing up to a meter a day depending on the species. This fast growth enables bamboo forests to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere at a remarkable rate, making them highly effective carbon sinks.
Our moderator : Dr. Kishore AT
Panel Speakers :
Shri Prof. Narasimha Kishore Koka , CEO, KNK Renewables, KNK Bo-tech.inc, Poly Engineers & Consultants.
Shri Dr. (Hons) Basaiah Hiremath , Agri-Entrepreneur.

Please go through our website for more updates www.kvdialogue.com
Regards ,
Team KV Dialogue.
An initiation to Agriculture dialogue by KhetiValah.
Thank You
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