LCAD Stories: Success Story

Описание к видео LCAD Stories: Success Story

Jessica Necor is a first generation Filipino-American born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. She attended high school at the Oakland School for the Arts with an emphasis in Visual Design and graduated as valedictorian of her class. It was there that she developed a love for graphic design and exploring art as activism. She went on to attend the Laguna College of Art + Design on a full scholarship. She majored in Design + Digital Media and graduated summa cum laude in 2015.

During her time at LCAD, she had the opportunity to intern at various companies such as Hurley and Vans. After graduating, she moved to Portland, Oregon and worked as a visual designer at R/GA, a globally-renowned agency. Now, she is a senior digital product designer at Nike. In her spare time, she mentors LCAD seniors, designs and creates products for her brand Jessica Necor Studio, and is training for her first full marathon in 2022. In the future, she hopes to continue being an advocate for diversity in design and leadership.


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