Author John Lee Discusses Growing Yourself Back Up and How to Better Show Up for our Partner

Описание к видео Author John Lee Discusses Growing Yourself Back Up and How to Better Show Up for our Partner

Today you'll meet a great friend and hero of mine, author John Lee. Author of over 25 books, and known therapist to therapists, John Lee has been a guest on Oprah, The View, 20/20, PBS and Barbara Walters. The father of Regression one might say, shares his poignant insight into how we regress in life and how to grow ourselves back up. "Regression is what happens to us when we leave the present moment. When we regress, we go from being clear-thinking adults to talking, acting, and sometimes even looking like children who are not getting what they want. We feel powerless and out of control, as if we don't have choices." John goes on to say regression is equivalent to feeling choiceless as adults. How many times during a fight with your partner or spouse have you felt like you were without choices? Have you ever felt like you were feeling very similar adolescent or child-like feelings during an argument with your spouse?
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