How to Stop People From Tagging Me on Facebook (Quick & Simple)

Описание к видео How to Stop People From Tagging Me on Facebook (Quick & Simple)

In this video I'm going to show you how to stop people from tagging you on Facebook.

Everytime someone tags you on Facebook, you’ll get a notification. That goes for personal tags, where a friend, colleague, client or prospect is trying to personally get your attention (these are “GOOD” tags)...

As well as everytime someone you don’t really know tags all of their friends, followers or group members on any piece of content (these are often “SPAM” tags).

If your Facebook account is anything like mine, the number of “spam” tags you’re getting seems to increase daily, especially since @everyone, @followers, @highlight and @friends were released, making it so easy to tag hundreds or thousands of people on Facebook in an instant.

Those spam tags clog up your notifications, distract you from important work and waste your time.

Fortunately there’s a way to stop people from tagging you on Facebook in those spammy ways.

Let’s dive in…


** P.S. When you're ready...

✅ GAIN 10,000+ MEMBERS in any Facebook group (works for all niches):

✅ BOOK SALES CALLS in 6 minutes or less using this strategy inside Messenger:

✅ SELL $200-$25,000 OFFERS ON FACEBOOK using this FB-compliant sales script:

✅ JOIN OUR FACEBOOK COMMUNITY to learn more organic Facebook marketing strategies:
  / audienceandinfluence  

✅ TRY YUNAPRO to automate all of your Facebook marketing:


#facebookmarketing #organicmarketing #facebookgrowth


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