Editorial Analysis| December 17 2024| Shankar IAS Academy| UPSC current Affairs | Mains

Описание к видео Editorial Analysis| December 17 2024| Shankar IAS Academy| UPSC current Affairs | Mains

NOTES: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eIjG...

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Daily Newspaper Analysis | The Hindu | Indian Express | LiveMint | Newspaper Analysis, Dec 17, 2024
News articles and editorials discussed:

1. Green hydrogen and the financing challenge
What is Green Hydrogen?
Why Green Hydrogen?
Applications of Green Hydrogen
Challenges in Green Hydrogen Implementation
India's Initiatives to Promote Green Hydrogen

2. A crisis in the making
India's Demographic Dividend: The Current Scenario
Malnutrition and Poor Health
Education and Skill Gaps
Unemployment and Underemployment
Gender Disparities and Future Ageing
Improving Education Quality
Skill Development and Health
Employment Generation and Green Growth

Green hydrogen, electrolysis, renewable energy, decarbonization, National Green Hydrogen Mission, demographic dividend, malnutrition, education, skill gaps, unemployment, gender disparities, ageing, education quality, skill development, health, employment generation, green growth.

In this news analysis, we will discuss the important news articles from various newspapers, such as The Hindu, Indian Express, Business Line, and other credible sources. But the news analysis is mainly focused on the analysis of the Hindu, which is highly relevant for the UPSC CSE 2024–25. Daily current affairs are covered in detail in this video lecture. All the news articles are covered from the perspective of UPSC and IAS exam prelims and mains preparation. The Hindu News Analysis is very crucial for UPSC preparation’s current affairs section. It also helps in other exams like TNPSC, banking, SSC, and various competitive exams.

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