Կանգնիր քարավան Օտար ամայի Ganknir Caravan Raise Caravan Debout Caravane Lyrics English French subs

Описание к видео Կանգնիր քարավան Օտար ամայի Ganknir Caravan Raise Caravan Debout Caravane Lyrics English French subs

Կանգնիր քարավան Օտար ամայի Ganknir Caravan Raise Caravan Debout Caravane Lyrics armenian and transliteration, English subtitles, traduction française des paroles
Lyrics by Avetik Isahakyan. Music by A. Msrlyan

Singer : Hovhannes Badalian

It was quite difficult for me to make this video, I kept remembering my grandmother Sirarpie, it was her favorite song, she asked me to sing it to her when I was 7/8 years old. she used to have tears every time, I didn't understand then the meaning, I do today, and had also tears while trying to translate. Any country who knew any kind of war or economic deportation, the people know the hard meaning of these words...

J'ai mis du temps à finir cette vidéo, car j'avais sans cesse les larmes aux yeux, me souvenant de ma grand mère dont c'était la chanson préférée. elle me demandais de la chanter quand j'avais 7/8 ans, je ne comprenais pas les paroles à l'époque, aujourd'hui oui. N'importe qui de n'importe quel pays qui a connu la déportation que ce soit par la guerre ou économique comprendra sans doute la signification de ces mots

la chanson a été téléchargée sur cette chaîne : https://www.faceclips.net/video/aSExF...

song downloaded from this channel : https://www.faceclips.net/video/aSExF...

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