A Day in IIT-JEE Dropper’s Life | Prayas 2.0 | 2023 Aspirant

Описание к видео A Day in IIT-JEE Dropper’s Life | Prayas 2.0 | 2023 Aspirant


This is my daily routine and preparation time table for IIT-JEE 2023, I hope you enjoyed the video and have learned something from it

I have created this channel to slap all those who said PW is not teaching Advance Level, I am from Prayas 2.0 Batch, I want to build a strong community of our dropper batch where we will watch lectures live together and solve DPP's and Module together, so that no one feels alone in this journey and then we all can pay back to the great revolutionary Alakh Pandey
Sir (@Physics Wallah = Alakh Pandey) with our IIT degrees

#iit #iitjee #jeemains #jeeadvanced #dropper #droppertotopper #prayas_batch #study #studywithme #studymotivation #physicswallah #pw #pw_motivation #pwians #alakhpandey #prayasbatch #pankajsir #jee2022 #jee2023 #prayas2


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