How to Heal in WoW for Beginners

Описание к видео How to Heal in WoW for Beginners

World of Warcraft the war within simple healing guide for beginners to pick which class to heal on and what types of healing there is. I also go over the social aspect of healing as well as, the different types of healing and healers, dispelling and how to do it, how and when to use big cooldowns like Revival. I also go over addons and macros that can help you heal.

Does anyone actually read these?
What healer are you playing? Why do you want to heal in this game? Put your answer in the comments.

AutomaticJak's Video:    • The BEST Raid Frames - Cell Addon Guide  

Mouseover Macro:
/cast [@mouseover,nodead,help] [] (Put your spell here)

@Cursor Macro:
/cast [@cursor] (Put your spell here)

  / jerriduk

Modeled and Rigged By:
  / liskahon  

Music used in Video:
Caravan by Roa |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons CC BY 3.0

0:00 Intro
0:45 How to deal with Healer Anxiety
1:42 Type's of Healing
1:51 Reactive Healing
2:57 Proactive Healing
4:13 Picking your Healer
5:05 Damage Healing
5:38 Monk Example
6:21 Discipline Example
7:08 Don't think its...
7:28 Dispelling
8:52 Big Healing CD's
9:42 How to actually learn to Heal
10:40 Addons/Macros
11:53 Outro


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