Black European Heraldry: Black Rulership, Ancient Israelite Lineage

Описание к видео Black European Heraldry: Black Rulership, Ancient Israelite Lineage

Why in European Heraldry do we see lions and Unicorns which is a metaphor for Rhinos. Why would these people bear lions and Rhinos in Heraldry? These animals are known to be in the continent of Africa.

Sources book list
*Nature knows no color line
*Hebrewisms of West Africa
*Origin of the Anglo-Saxon Race: A Study of the Settlement of England and the Tribal Origin of the Old English People.
*The symbolisms of heraldry by William Cecil Wade.
*Negro rulers of Scotland and the British isles
*Kjv Bible
*Lost scriptures Acts 29:1-26
*The Missing Link the Negro Question part 4
The 13 Black colonies
*Ancient and modern Britons vol.1

Genesis 35:10-11
[10]And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.👈🏻
[11]And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; 👈🏻a nation 👈🏻and a company of nations 👈🏻shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins;👈🏻

Judah's two sons Zarah & Pharez

*Zarah the Red lion/ Red scarlet thread
Ancient Trojans
-Early Royal British Lines
-Black Irish

*Pharez given the promise as stated in Matthew 20:16
[16]So the last shall be first, 👈🏻
and the first last:👈🏻 for many be called few chosen.
*House of David Gold lion
-William the conqueror of Normandy
King Alfred The king of the Saxons ( being a swarthy brown complexion people.
Saxons being from the tribes of Juda


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