
Описание к видео 《和男友分手後》一口氣看完!悬疑惊悚文

这可是一篇 9.9 分的悬疑惊悚文哦,大家可以一口气看完,小兔兔在这提醒大家准备好 WiFi 。我心里超級不是滋味。一時氣不過,就把他名字給輸進了那個恐怖遊戲裡的主角欄裡,還特意按照他的模樣捏了個臉出來。這下,每次遊戲裡遇到驚險時刻,感覺就像是他在裡面受罪一樣,心裡想著:「這下你知道害怕了吧。」雖然這樣做可能有點幼稚,但確實讓我出了一口惡氣。
#小說 #短篇小說 #寶藏小說 #恐怖小說 #靈異小說
This is a 9.9-rated suspense thriller, folks. If you're ready for a spine-chilling read, Bunny here reminds everyone to prepare your WiFi for an uninterrupted experience.

My heart felt incredibly heavy after the breakup. In a moment of anger, I keyed his name into the main character slot of that horror game and meticulously crafted the protagonist's face to mirror his likeness. Now, every time the character faces a hair-raising moment in the game, it feels like he's the one going through it all, and I can't help but think, "Now you know what it's like to be scared."

Sure, it might be a bit childish of me, but it sure did feel like sweet revenge.


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