Test Doorbell Transformer With Multimeter

Описание к видео Test Doorbell Transformer With Multimeter

How to test voltage on a doorbell transformer using a multimeter. You probably just upgraded to the Nest Hello or Ring Video Doorbell Pro and are trying to troubleshoot problems. This video will show you how to test voltage at the doorbell button, transformer & line voltage to the transformer. We used a good but inexpensive meter. The line voltage to the transformer should be around 110 to 120Vac. The typical low voltage transformer should be 16 volts or higher. The video will show you the most common problem with the Ring Video Doorbell Pro and the Nest Hello in relation to the doorbell transformer and chime using a multimeter.

Link to the good but cheap meter used in the video: https://amzn.to/2INMSO2

0.56 Testing Transformer Voltage
1.52 Testing Doorbell Button Voltage
5.22 Testing 120V To The Transformer


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