Stingray Affliction / Flash

Описание к видео Stingray Affliction / Flash

"Just let me breathe"

Song: Stingray Affliction
Artist: Issues
Charas: Jack / Chaos (credited to the lovely DeadmanJackalope)
Lyrics: riserecords

This town might show no love
But no, I don't wanna be tough

Ask what I see in you
I don't see nothing, I see right through
You're transparent I know you don't wanna hear it
And I don't wanna be the person to slip up and hurt your feelings
I guess they don't wanna say it to your face but I will cause somebody's gotta put you in your place
I'm not afraid to scream and shout
And freak out and throw my hands up
And let it out
Punk b*tch walking tall like you got something to prove
Nah man, cause deep down you know it sucks to be you
Stingray Affliction
Making small stabs in passing
But the pain is bigger than it seems
Stop holding me under and let me breathe...
Just let me breathe
The pain is bigger than it seems
A tough guy dies a little inside
Just let me breathe
The pain is bigger than it seems
Stop holding me under and let me breathe


Aaaah when I first heard this song I fell in love with it instantly~ But I couldn't help that this song made me think of Jack a lot, with these lyrics and all so I dedicated it to him and the struggles he has with Chaos~ I thought it'd make a good fit~ ; w ; ) Hope you guys think so too or just liked it~ lol Issues is like my favorite band now ever XD They're so amazing feels can't handle~~ lol
Anyone else like them? Tell me if you doooo~ XD

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~Thank you for watching~


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