Understanding Art | 把藝術當回事 | 黃河 | Alex Huang | TEDxNeihu

Описание к видео Understanding Art | 把藝術當回事 | 黃河 | Alex Huang | TEDxNeihu

Teacher Huang He, the author of "Buying Paintings Can Make Big Money", is about to speak at TEDxNeihu~~

Mr. Huang is a Chinese art marketing coach and the co-founder of Art Taipei. He has a 40-year of experience in the art world. He has devoted his life to researching the international art markets, the substantive value of artworks, and art education.
Art was originally a testimony to the development of human civilization. 21st-century globalization has increased the relationship between art and finance furthermore.
"Utilitarianism" interferes with the public's basic understanding of art, but art is not as easy as most people think.
Mr. Huang will use 18 minutes to express his latest research findings most simply. Whether you are interested in the art profession or simply want to explore the beauty of art, TEDxNeihu welcomes you. 《買畫也能賺大錢》的作者黃河老師即將在 TEDxNeihu 開講了~~
黃河老師為華人藝術市場學導師、Art Taipei 的共同創辦人,在藝術界已經有40年的資歷,畢生致力於研究國際藝市、藝術品的實質價值及藝市學教育。
黃河老師將利用18分鐘,把他最新的硏究心得用最簡易的方式表達,如果你也想要進入藝術職埸或只是想單純了解藝術之美,TEDxNeihu 都歡迎你。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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