Clocktime: Gothic Iron Wall Clock c1500, 02 Movement

Описание к видео Clocktime: Gothic Iron Wall Clock c1500, 02 Movement

Anonymous – Gothic foliot-balance wrought-iron frame quarter-striking wall clock with iron hour and minute hands.

Join Dr John C Taylor OBE from the Clocktime digital museum as he discusses the movement of the Gothic Iron Wall Clock, circa 1500.

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So, here we are now with the quarter train, the middle train set and I can show you how it works. If we lift as the going train would, away it goes. 1, 2, 3 and it locks. So, this is a full grande sonnerie clock, so it'll strike the four quarters before tripping off the hour train. So, here we go on the fourth quarter, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Eight o'clock. This 500-year-old gothic clock has a foliot balance with the two weights, which give the inertia to slow down the oscillation and it's suspended on a cotton thread here and located on the bottom potence, so that the thread twists up and down as the foliot is working here with the top and the bottom pallets. Right at the back of the clock is the countwheel, which counts the number of hours and we're getting up to 11 o'clock and here. So, the next time I set it off, the quarter train will do the four, 1, 2, 3, 4 and here's the hour train going now and see the rotation of the countwheel waiting to drop into the slot and that locks the train.


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