Pests and Problems in the Garden

Описание к видео Pests and Problems in the Garden

OK today we are going over just some of the pests and other issues you might face in the garden. I am dealing with these problems now, so I will try to tell you some of the methods I have been using to prevent ot kill these pests.

For the two mini roses, they are being chewed on by little green catapilar things. So our solution is to just take them off the bush and throw them far away, or stomp on them.

Next was the cauliflower, and almost same exact issue, but different species of catipilar. These were cabbage moth larva and I used the same method as the roses. Remove and stomp.

The Japanese pumpkin plant is doing OK except for the stripey beetle boys, the cucumber beetle. For them, it is recommended to introduce lady bugs into the garden. But that's a pain, the other method is knocking them into water where a bit of soap has been added. This breaks water tension and makes escape difficult for the bugs.

The garlic is being attacked by pull bugs. We used to have wood mulch down in that area, and that attracts them unfortunately. They might get some of the garlic, but I hope I get some harvest. The solution u read was to use straw mulch, we'll that doesn't work. Need a new plan...

Flea beetles attacking your potatoes? Not much you can do unfortunately, besides harmful pesticides, and that is something I won't be doing in my garden. There are also recommendations for growing trap crops, or plants the flea beetles like that aren't your potates.

Well hopefully you have less pests than I do, and if you do, some of these tips might help.

Comment below if you have better methods for dealing with these, and the squirrels!

Thanks for watching!


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